
This section explains how to install the components needed to run the AI VPN. Once the code is downloaded, please refer to the next section: Configuration.

Installing Docker & Docker Compose

The AI VPN follows a micro-services design based on Docker and uses Docker Compose to manage the multi-container application. The first step is therefore to install Docker and Docker Compose in the host machine.

To install Docker we recommend following the installation steps instructed in:

To install Docker Compose we recommend following the installation steps as instructed in:

After the installation is successful, check the services are installed:

$ sudo docker --version
$ sudo docker-compose --version

The AI VPN was developed for:

  • Docker version 20.10.5

  • docker-compose version 1.25.0

Installing the AI VPN from Source

Download the source code of the AI VPN from GitHub:

$ git clone
$ cd AIVPN/

The AI VPN is a multi-container application. The modules are managed by Docker Compose using the docker-compose.yml file. Each module plays a specific role in the application. The current supported modules are:

  • mod_redis: module that uses Redis as the core database for data storage.

  • mod_manager: module responsible for the core functionality of the AI VPN.

  • mod_comm_recv: module capable of receiving VPN requests from users.

  • mod_comm_send: module responsible for sending data and files to users.

  • mod_slips: module that runs the Stratosphere IPS for threat detection.

  • mod_report: module responsible for reporting the threats found to users.

  • mod_openvpn: module provides the OpenVPN service.

  • mod_wireguard: module provides the WireGuard VPN service.

  • mod_novpn: module provides a special configuration of the OpenVPN service without encryption. This special configuration is to be used only when in places where the use of encryption or VPNs in particular are illegal or can endanger users’ life.

  • mod_pihole: module provides the AI VPN with protection against trackers and other malicious domains through DNS blocking capabilities.

The next section will cover the configurations needed to run the AI VPN.